Friday, June 6, 2008

Specialized Print Reference Books:

Odekon, M. (2006). Rural Antipoverty Programs. Rural Deprivation. Rural Poverty Research Center. Rural Sociological Society. In
The Encyclopedia of World Poverty (Vol. 2, pp. 929-934). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.

-This encyclopedia has four separate entries encompassing the specific issues surrounding rural poverty. “Rural Antipoverty Programs” discusses the implementation of anti-poverty programs in rural areas and the different programs available to assist in rural poverty prevention and rural development.
The entry on “Rural Deprivation” briefly describes the problems of unemployment, hunger and lack of infrastructure in rural areas and how these areas experience poverty. The entry titled “Rural Poverty Research Center” simply describes the purpose and implementation of that center and its importance in researching rural poverty and all it encompasses. Finally, the entry on the “Rural Sociological Society” discusses the purpose and importance of the society and how it researches rural poverty from a sociological perspective. All of these entries are excellent sources for a journalist beginning his or her research in rural poverty and development. These sources provide excellent, reliable definitions and descriptions of the topics pertaining to rural poverty and are easily read, short and comprehensible allowing for fast, easy research.

Scholte, J., Robertson, R. (2007). Poverty and Globalization. In The Encyclopedia of Globalization (Vol. 3, pp. 994-1000). New York: MTM Publishing, Inc.

- This encyclopedia gives an unbiased, comprehensive depiction of globalization as a whole and all of its components, all of which greatly impact people in rural America. The entry titles “Poverty and Globalization” gives brief, yet reliable and well-researched information about the debate surrounding globalization and its affect on poverty, unemployment and rural areas. This entry provides background about the anti-globalization debate and how globalization and poverty intermingle in modern society. This encyclopedia is an excellent source for any journalist beginning his or her research on globalization and poverty in general, especially if he or she is searching for basic background information and definitions about globalization.

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