Friday, June 6, 2008

International Sites:

The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). (2008) Rural Poverty Portal. Retrieved June 4, 2008 from

- IFAD has gathered information from its partners and staff on the ground on the impact of rising food prices on poor rural people. On this site in particular, IFAD has collected statistics about rural poverty in the Americas. This webpage puts into perspective rural poverty in North, South and Central America and allows journalists to compare the poverty in these three different regions. The description of rural poverty in North America is astonishing, for this international site says that even though the U.S. and Canada are two countries associated with wealth and prosperity, poverty is still prevalent in their rural areas. This website would be beneficial to any journalist seeking to compare U.S. poverty with poverty in other countries or any journalist researching the reasons rural areas are susceptible to poverty across the globe.

The Poverty Site. (2008) Poverty Indicators. Retrieved June 4, 2008 from

- According to this website, “This site monitors what is happening to poverty and social exclusion in the UK and complements our annual monitoring reports. The material is organised around 50 statistical indicators covering all aspects of the subject, from income and work to health and education.” This site also covers rural poverty in industrialized areas in the United Kingdom, such as England. This website could give journalists a cross-cultural perspective as to how poverty is measured in other industrialized nations and how rural areas are more susceptible to poverty globally.

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